Source code for pyplanet.contrib.command.manager

import textwrap

from pyplanet.contrib import CoreContrib
from pyplanet.contrib.command.command import Command
from pyplanet.utils.functional import batch

[docs]class CommandManager(CoreContrib): """ The Command Manager contributed extension is a manager that controls all chat-commands in the game. Your app needs to use this manager to register any custom commands you want to provide. You should access this class within your app like this: .. code-block:: python self.instance.command_manager You can register your commands like this: .. code-block:: python await self.instance.command_manager.register( Command(command='reboot', target=self.reboot_pool, perms='admin:reboot', admin=True), ) More information of the command and the options of it, see the :class:`pyplanet.contrib.command.Command` class. .. warning:: Don't initiate this class yourself. Access this class from the ``self.instance.command_manager`` instance. """ def __init__(self, instance): """ Init manager. :param instance: Controller Instance :type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance """ self._instance = instance self._commands = list() async def on_start(self, **kwargs): # Register events. self._instance.signals.listen('maniaplanet:player_chat', self._on_chat) # Register /help and //help await self.register( Command('help', target=self._help).add_param('command', nargs='*', required=False), Command('help', target=self._help, admin=True).add_param('command', nargs='*', required=False), )
[docs] async def register(self, *commands): """ Register your command. :param commands: Command instance. :type commands: pyplanet.contrib.command.command.Command """ self._commands.extend(commands)
[docs] async def execute(self, player, command, *args): """ Execute a command for the given player with the given args. :param player: Player instance. :type player: pyplanet.apps.core.maniaplanet.models.player.Player :param command: Command instance. :type command: pyplanet.contrib.command.command.Command :param args: Args for the command, will be concat into a string with spaces. :return: """ if isinstance(command, Command): command_text = '//' if command.admin else '/' if command.namespace: command_text += command.namespace + ' ' command_text += command.command else: command_text = command return await self._on_chat(player, ' '.join([command_text] + list(args)), True)
async def _on_chat(self, player, text, cmd, **kwargs): # Only take action if the chat entry is a command. if not cmd: return # Parse command. argv = text.split(' ') if not argv: return # Replace the / in the first part. argv[0] = argv[0][1:] # Check if we need to ignore the command. if len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] in ['serverlogin']: return # Try to match the command prefix by one of the registered commands. command = None for cmd in self._commands: if cmd.match(argv): command = cmd break # Let the command handle the logic it needs. if command: return await command.handle(self._instance, player, argv) # Send command not found message. await '$z$sCommand unknown. For all commands type /help or //help. ' 'Powered by $l[]$FD4Py$369Planet', player.login ), async def _help(self, player, data, raw, command): # pragma: no cover help_command = command filter_admin = bool(help_command.admin) # Show usage of a single command, given as second or more params. if data.command: cmd_args = data.command # HACK: Add / before an admin command to match the right command. if filter_admin and cmd_args: cmd_args[0] = '/{}'.format(cmd_args[0]) # Find the right command. cmd_instance = None for cmd in self._commands: if cmd.match(cmd_args): cmd_instance = cmd break # If found, show the usage of the command. if cmd_instance: await '$z$s{}'.format(cmd_instance.usage_text), player ) return # All commands. commands = [c for c in self._commands if c.admin is filter_admin] calls = list() for cmds in batch(commands, 7): help_texts = [str(c) for c in cmds] calls.append( '$z$s{}'.format(' | '.join(help_texts)), player.login ) ) await self._instance.gbx.multicall( '$z$sCommand list. Help per command: /{}help [command]'.format('/' if filter_admin else ''), player.login ), *calls )