
Models are defined in either the app/ file or the app/models/ folder (with loading from the app/models/

Models tables are created at the moment PyPlanet starts for the first time as it sees your model, and not yet have a table. To adjust models you should create migrations.

Define models

You have two base classes where your model class could inherit from, we recommend to use the TimedModel most of the times. There are a few exceptions where we recommend the base Model, for example glue models. Or very data-intensive or data where you don’t need to know when it’s created or updated.

The TimedModel includes these two fields for every model: created_at and updated_at. Those two fields will be filled and adjusted automatically when saving/updating.

The Model includes no fields and is the very base of the model declaration inherit tree.

For defining fields you can use the asterisk import from peewee to have all Fields available in your file:

from peewee import *

Examples of model declaration:

class Permission(Model):
    namespace = CharField(
        help_text='Namespace of the permission. Mostly the app.label.'

    name = CharField(
        help_text='Name of permission, in format {app_name|core}:{name}'

    description = TextField(
        null=True, default=None, help_text='Description of permission.'

    min_level = IntegerField(
        default=1, help_text='Minimum required player level to be able to use this permission.'

    class Meta:
        indexes = (
            (('namespace', 'name'), True),

For more examples take a look at: pyplanet/apps/core/maniaplanet/models/*.py. You will find the player and map model here with lots of examples.

For more information about fields please refer to the Peewee documentation:

For more information about operations on models, don’t look at the Peewee documentation at first, but look further in this document.


Please take a look at:

Operations on models

Create new object instance in the database

instance = Model(column='value', second_col=True)

Delete instance from database

await instance.destroy()

Find instance by id or other unique value (search for one instance)

instance = await Model.get(id=1)
instance = await Model.get(login='toffe')

Find instances (query) by executing query with where condition

instances = await Model.execute( == 1))

More examples will follow, feel free to ask for help on this topic in the meantime.


We use a customized version of the Peewee library to have support for async access to database. Because this reason we had to override some methods or create our own. Please don’t take not that if you get a sync code exception that it’s not yet supported by PyPlanet async wrapper.

Please contact us on Github if you think you have an issue with the Database Layer. It’s one of the most important parts of PyPlanet!