This file has been forked from Django and PyDispatcher.
The PyDispatcher is licensed under BSD.
import threading
import weakref
import logging
import asyncio
from pyplanet.core.exceptions import SignalException, SignalGlueStop
from pyplanet.utils.log import handle_exception
def _make_id(target):
if hasattr(target, '__func__'):
return id(target.__self__), id(target.__func__)
return id(target)
NONE_ID = _make_id(None)
NO_RECEIVERS = object()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Signal:
A signal is a destination tho distribute to where multiple listeners get the message. (event distribution).
def __init__(self, code=None, namespace=None, process_target=None, use_caching=False):
Create a new signal.
if not process_target:
process_target = self.process
self.process_target = process_target
self.receivers = list()
self.self_refs = dict()
self.lock = threading.Lock()
if code:
self.code = code
self.code = self.Meta.code
if namespace:
self.namespace = namespace
self.namespace = self.Meta.namespace
self.use_caching = use_caching
self.sender_receivers_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() if use_caching else {}
self._dead_receivers = False
[docs] async def process(self, **data):
This method processed data into abstract data. You can give your own function in the init of the Signal or
override the method.
:param data: Raw data input
:return: Parsed data output
return data
[docs] def has_listeners(self):
Has the signal listeners.
return bool(self._live_receivers())
[docs] def set_self(self, receiver, slf): # pragma: no cover
Set the self instance on a receiver.
.. deprecated:: 0.0.1
:param receiver: Receiver function.
:param slf: Self instance
with self.lock:
lookup_key = _make_id(receiver)
for key, _ in self.receivers:
if lookup_key == key:
ref = weakref.ref
slf = ref(slf)
self.self_refs[lookup_key] = slf
raise Exception('Receiver is not yet known! You registered too early!')
[docs] def register(self, receiver, weak=True, dispatch_uid=None):
Connect receiver to sender for signal.
:param receiver: A function or an instance method which is to receive signals. Receivers must be hashable objects.
If weak is True, then receiver must be weak referenceable.Receivers must be able to accept keyword arguments.
If a receiver is connected with a dispatch_uid argument, it
will not be added if another receiver was already connected with that dispatch_uid.
:param weak: Whether to use weak references to the receiver. By default, the
module will attempt to use weak references to the receiver
objects. If this parameter is false, then strong references will
be used.
:param dispatch_uid: An identifier used to uniquely identify a particular instance of
a receiver. This will usually be a string, though it may be anything hashable.
if dispatch_uid:
lookup_key = dispatch_uid
lookup_key = _make_id(receiver)
if weak:
ref = weakref.ref
receiver_object = receiver
# Check for bound methods.
if hasattr(receiver, '__self__') and hasattr(receiver, '__func__'):
ref = weakref.WeakMethod
receiver_object = receiver.__self__
receiver = ref(receiver)
weakref.finalize(receiver_object, self._remove_receiver)
with self.lock:
for rec_key in self.receivers:
if rec_key == lookup_key:
self.receivers.append((lookup_key, receiver))
[docs] def unregister(self, receiver=None, dispatch_uid=None):
Disconnect receiver from sender for signal.
If weak references are used, disconnect need not be called. The receiver
will be removed from dispatch automatically.
:param receiver: The registered receiver to disconnect. May be none if dispatch_uid is specified.
:param dispatch_uid: the unique identifier of the receiver to disconnect
if dispatch_uid:
lookup_key = dispatch_uid
lookup_key = _make_id(receiver)
disconnected = False
with self.lock:
for index in range(len(self.receivers)):
(rec_key, _) = self.receivers[index]
if rec_key == lookup_key:
disconnected = True
del self.receivers[index]
if rec_key in self.self_refs:
del self.self_refs[rec_key]
return disconnected
async def execute_receiver(receiver, args, kwargs, ignore_exceptions=False):
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(receiver):
if len(args) > 0:
return receiver, await receiver(*args, **kwargs)
return receiver, await receiver(**kwargs)
if len(args) > 0:
return receiver, receiver(*args, **kwargs)
return receiver, receiver(**kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
if not ignore_exceptions:
'Signal receiver \'{}\' => {} thrown an exception!'.format(receiver.__module__, receiver.__name__)
), exc_info=False)
# Handle, will send to sentry if it's related to the core/contrib apps.
handle_exception(exc, receiver.__module__, receiver.__name__)
# Log the actual exception.
return receiver, exc
[docs] async def send(self, source, raw=False, catch_exceptions=False, gather=True):
Send signal with source.
If any receiver raises an error, the error propagates back through send,
terminating the dispatch loop. So it's possible that all receivers
won't be called if an error is raised.
:param source: The data to be send to the processor which produces data that will be send to the receivers.
:param raw: Optional bool parameter to just send the source to the receivers without any processing.
:param catch_exceptions: Catch and return the exceptions.
:param gather: Execute multiple receivers at the same time (parallel). On by default!
:return: Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ].
if raw is False:
kwargs = await self.process_target(signal=self, source=source)
except SignalGlueStop:
# Stop calling the receivers when our glue says we should!
return []
kwargs = dict(**source, signal=self)
if not self.receivers:
return []
# Prepare the responses from the calls.
responses = []
gather_list = []
for key, receiver in self._live_receivers():
# Dereference the weak reference.
slf = self.self_refs.get(key, None)
if slf and isinstance(slf, weakref.ReferenceType):
slf = slf()
args = [slf] if slf else []
# Execute the receiver.
coro = self.execute_receiver(receiver, args, kwargs, ignore_exceptions=catch_exceptions)
if gather:
responses.append(await coro)
# If gather, wait on the asyncio.gather operation and return the responses from there.
if gather:
return await asyncio.gather(*gather_list)
# Done, respond with all the results
return responses
[docs] async def send_robust(self, source=None, raw=False, gather=True):
Send signal from sender to all connected receivers catching errors.
:param source: The data to be send to the processor which produces data that will be send to the receivers.
:param raw: Optional bool parameter to just send the source to the receivers without any processing.
:param gather: Execute multiple receivers at the same time (parallel). On by default!
:return: Return a list of tuple pairs [(receiver, response), ... ].
If any receiver raises an error (specifically any subclass of Exception),
return the error instance as the result for that receiver.
return await self.send(source, raw, catch_exceptions=True, gather=gather)
def _clear_dead_receivers(self):
if self._dead_receivers:
self._dead_receivers = False
new_receivers = []
for rec in self.receivers:
if isinstance(rec[1], weakref.ReferenceType) and rec[1]() is None:
self.receivers = new_receivers
def _live_receivers(self):
Filter sequence of receivers to get resolved, live receivers.
This checks for weak references and resolves them, then returning only
live receivers.
# We don't use the sender. Set it to none.
sender = None
receivers = None
if self.use_caching and not self._dead_receivers:
receivers = self.sender_receivers_cache.get(sender)
# We could end up here with NO_RECEIVERS even if we do check this case in
# .send() prior to calling _live_receivers() due to concurrent .send() call.
if receivers is NO_RECEIVERS:
return []
if receivers is None:
with self.lock:
receivers = []
for receiverkey, receiver in self.receivers:
receivers.append((receiverkey, receiver))
if self.use_caching:
if not receivers:
self.sender_receivers_cache[sender] = NO_RECEIVERS
# Note, we must cache the weakref versions.
self.sender_receivers_cache[sender] = receivers
non_weak_receivers = []
for receiver in receivers:
key = receiver[0]
receiver = receiver[1]
if isinstance(receiver, weakref.ReferenceType):
# Dereference the weak reference.
receiver = receiver()
if receiver is not None:
non_weak_receivers.append((key, receiver))
non_weak_receivers.append((key, receiver))
return non_weak_receivers
def _remove_receiver(self):
# The list must be marked as dead. And will be cleaned in the next registry or call.
# We can't directly remove because GC is always running when lock is preserved.
self._dead_receivers = True