import logging
from pyplanet.contrib import CoreContrib
from pyplanet.contrib.mode.signals import script_mode_changed
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ModeManager(CoreContrib):
Mode Manager manges the script, script settings and the mode UI settings of the current game mode.
.. warning::
Don't initiate this class yourself. Use ``instance.mode_manager`` for an static instance.
def __init__(self, instance):
Initiate, should only be done from the core instance.
:param instance: Instance.
:type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance
self._instance = instance
self._current_script = None
self._next_script = None
self._current_full_script = None
self._next_full_script = None
self._next_settings_update = dict()
self._next_variables_update = dict()
[docs] async def on_start(self):
Handle startup, just before the apps will start. We will make sure we are ready to get requests for permissions.
self._current_script = await self.get_current_script(refresh=True)
# Listeners.
self._instance.signals.listen('maniaplanet:server_start', self._on_change)
async def _on_change(self, *args, **kwargs):
# Making sure we set the settings + variables.
if len(self._next_settings_update.keys()) > 0:
logger.debug('Setting mode settings right now!')
await self.update_settings(self._next_settings_update)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Can\'t set the script mode settings! Error: {}'.format(str(e)))
self._next_settings_update = dict()
if len(self._next_variables_update.keys()) > 0:
logger.debug('Setting mode variables right now!')
await self.update_variables(self._next_variables_update)
except Exception as e:
logging.error('Can\'t set the script mode variables! Error: {}'.format(str(e)))
self._next_variables_update = dict()
# Make sure we send to the signal when mode is been changed.
if self._current_script != self._next_script:
await script_mode_changed.send_robust({
'unloaded_script': self._current_script, 'loaded_script': self._next_script
await self.get_current_script(refresh=True)
[docs] async def get_current_script(self, refresh=False):
Get the current script name.
:param refresh: Refresh from server.
if refresh or not self._current_script:
payload = await self._instance.gbx('GetScriptName')
current_value = payload['CurrentValue'].partition('.')[0]
if '\\' in current_value:
current_value = current_value.rpartition('\\')[2]
self._current_script = current_value
self._current_full_script = payload['CurrentValue']
if 'NextValue' in payload:
next_value = payload['NextValue'].partition('.')[0]
if '\\' in next_value:
next_value = next_value.rpartition('\\')[2]
self._next_script = next_value
self._next_full_script = payload['NextValue']
return self._current_script
[docs] async def get_next_script(self, refresh=False):
Get the next script name.
:param refresh: Refresh from server.
await self.get_current_script(refresh=refresh)
return self._next_script
[docs] async def get_current_full_script(self, refresh=False):
Get the current full script name.
:param refresh: Refresh from server.
if refresh or not self._current_full_script:
await self.get_current_script(True)
return self._current_full_script
[docs] async def get_next_full_script(self, refresh=False):
Get the next full script name.
:param refresh: Refresh from server.
if refresh or not self._next_full_script:
await self.get_current_script(True)
return self._next_full_script
[docs] async def get_current_script_info(self):
Get the script info as a structure containing: Name, CompatibleTypes, Description, Version and the settings available.
return await self._instance.gbx('GetModeScriptInfo')
[docs] async def set_next_script(self, name):
Set the next played script name (after map restart/skip).
:param name: Name
await self._instance.gbx('SetScriptName', name)
name = name.partition('.')[0]
if '\\' in name:
name = name.rpartition('\\')[2]
self._next_script = name
[docs] async def get_settings(self):
Get the current mode settings as a dictionary.
return await self._instance.gbx('GetModeScriptSettings')
[docs] async def update_settings(self, update_dict):
Update the current settings, merges current settings with the provided settings. Replaces by the keys you give
if the data already exists.
:param update_dict: The dictionary with the partial updated keys and values.
current_settings = await self.get_settings()
await self._instance.gbx('SetModeScriptSettings', current_settings)
[docs] async def update_next_settings(self, update_dict):
Queue setting changes for the next script (that will be active after restart).
:param update_dict: The dictionary with the partial updated keys and values.
if not isinstance(self._next_settings_update, dict):
self._next_settings_update = dict()
[docs] async def get_variables(self):
Get the mode script variables.
return await self._instance.gbx('GetModeScriptVariables')
[docs] async def update_variables(self, update_dict):
Update the current variables, merges current vars with the provided vars. Replaces by the keys you give
if the data already exists.
:param update_dict: The dictionary with the partial updated keys and values.
variables = await self.get_variables()
await self._instance.gbx('SetModeScriptVariables', variables)
[docs] async def update_next_variables(self, update_dict):
Queue variable changes for the next script (that will be active after restart).
:param update_dict: The dictionary with the partial updated keys and values.
if not isinstance(self._next_variables_update, dict):
self._next_variables_update = dict()