import asyncio
from pyplanet.apps import AppConfig
from pyplanet.contrib import CoreContrib
from pyplanet.contrib.setting.core_settings import performance_mode
from pyplanet.contrib.setting.exceptions import SettingException
class _BaseSettingManager:
def __init__(self, instance):
Initiate, should only be done from the core instance.
:param instance: Instance.
:type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance
self._instance = instance
self._settings = list()
self._app = None
async def register(self, *settings):
Register your setting(s). This will create default values when the setting has not yet been inited before.
:param settings: Setting(s) given.
:type settings: pyplanet.contrib.setting.setting._Setting
# Check if setting has a value, then fetch it, if not, create new entry with default or none.
await asyncio.gather(*[s.initiate_setting() for s in settings])
# Register the setting.
[docs]class GlobalSettingManager(_BaseSettingManager, CoreContrib):
Global Setting manager is available at the instance. ``instance.setting_manager``.
.. warning::
Don't use the setting_manager for registering app settings! Use the app setting manager instead!
Don't initiate this class yourself.
[docs] def __init__(self, instance):
self.app_managers = dict()
async def on_start(self):
# Register core global settings.
await self.register(performance_mode)
[docs] def create_app_manager(self, app_config):
Create app setting manager.
:param app_config: App Config instance.
:type app_config: pyplanet.apps.config.AppConfig
:return: Setting Manager
:rtype: pyplanet.contrib.setting.manager.AppSettingManager
if app_config.label not in self.app_managers:
self.app_managers[app_config.label] = AppSettingManager(self._instance, app_config)
return self.app_managers[app_config.label]
[docs] def get_app_manager(self, app):
Get the app manager for a specified app label or config instance.
:param app: App label in string or the app config instance.
:return: App manager instance.
:rtype: pyplanet.contrib.setting.manager.AppSettingManager
if isinstance(app, AppConfig):
app = app.label
return self.app_managers[app]
def recursive_settings(self):
Retrieve all settings, of all submanagers.
for setting in self._settings:
yield setting
for app, manager in self.app_managers.items():
for setting in manager._settings:
yield setting
[docs] async def get_setting(self, app_label, key, prefetch_values=True):
Get setting by key and optionally fetch the value if not yet fetched.
:param app_label: Namespace (mostly app label).
:param key: Key string
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values if not yet fetched?
:return: Setting instance.
:raise: SettingException
if app_label is None:
setting = None
for s in self._settings:
if s.key == key:
setting = s
if not setting:
raise SettingException('Setting with key not found')
if prefetch_values and setting._value[0] is False:
await setting.get_value()
return setting
return await self.get_app_manager(app_label).get_setting(key, prefetch_values)
[docs] async def get_apps(self, prefetch_values=True):
Get all the app label + names for all the settings we can find in our registry.
Returns a dict with label as key, and count + name as values.
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values in this call. Defaults to True.
:return: List with setting objects.
apps = dict()
if prefetch_values:
await asyncio.gather(*[
s.get_value(refresh=True) for s in self.recursive_settings
for setting in self.recursive_settings:
if setting.app_label not in apps:
apps[setting.app_label] = dict(
apps[setting.app_label]['count'] += 1
return apps
[docs] async def get_categories(self, prefetch_values=True):
Get all the categories we have registered.
Returns a dict with label as key, and count + name as values.
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values in this call. Defaults to True.
:return: List with setting objects.
cats = dict()
if prefetch_values:
await asyncio.gather(*[
s.get_value(refresh=True) for s in self.recursive_settings
for setting in self.recursive_settings:
if setting.category not in cats:
cats[setting.category] = dict(
cats[setting.category]['count'] += 1
return cats
[docs] async def get_all(self, prefetch_values=True):
Retrieve a list of settings, with prefetched values, so get_value is almost instant (or use ._value, not recommended).
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values in this call. Defaults to True.
:return: List with setting objects.
if prefetch_values:
await asyncio.gather(*[
s.get_value(refresh=True) for s in self.recursive_settings
return self.recursive_settings
[docs]class AppSettingManager(_BaseSettingManager):
The local app setting manager is the one you should use to register settings to inside of your app.
You can use this manager like this:
.. code-block:: python
from pyplanet.contrib.setting import Setting
async def on_start(self):
await self.context.setting.register(
Setting('feature_a', 'Enable feature A', Setting.CAT_FEATURES, type=bool, description='Enable feature A'),
Setting('feature_b', 'Enable feature B', Setting.CAT_FEATURES, type=bool, description='Enable feature B'),
For more information about the settings, categories, types, and all other options. Look at the ``Settings``
.. warning::
Don't initiate this class yourself.
def __init__(self, instance, app):
Initiate app setting manager.
:param instance: Controller instance.
:param app: App Config instance.
:type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance
:type app: pyplanet.apps.config.AppConfig
self._app = app
[docs] async def register(self, *settings):
Register your setting(s). This will create default values when the setting has not yet been inited before.
:param settings: Setting(s) given.
:type settings: pyplanet.contrib.setting.setting._Setting
# Set app label on all setting objects.
for setting in settings:
setting.app_label = self._app.label
# Check if setting has a value, then fetch it, if not, create new entry with default or none.
await asyncio.gather(*[s.initiate_setting() for s in settings])
# Register the setting.
[docs] async def get_setting(self, key, prefetch_values=True):
Get setting by key and optionally fetch the value if not yet fetched.
:param key: Key string
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values if not yet fetched?
:return: Setting instance.
:raise: SettingException
setting = None
for s in self._settings:
if s.key == key:
setting = s
if not setting:
raise SettingException('Setting with key not found')
if prefetch_values and setting._value[0] is False:
await setting.get_value()
return setting
[docs] def get_categories(self):
Get all the categories we have registered.
Returns a dict with label as key, and count + name as values.
cats = dict()
for setting in self._settings:
if setting.category not in cats:
cats[setting.category] = dict(count=0)
cats[setting.category]['count'] += 1
return cats
[docs] async def get_all(self, prefetch_values=True):
Retrieve a list of settings, with prefetched values, so get_value is almost instant (or use ._value, not recommended).
:param prefetch_values: Prefetch the values in this call. Defaults to True.
:return: List with setting objects.
if prefetch_values:
await asyncio.gather(*[
s.get_value(refresh=True) for s in self._settings
return self._settings