Source code for pyplanet.contrib.player.manager

import asyncio
import datetime
import logging

from peewee import DoesNotExist

from pyplanet.apps.core.maniaplanet.models import Player
from pyplanet.conf import settings
from pyplanet.contrib import CoreContrib
from pyplanet.contrib.player.exceptions import PlayerNotFound
from pyplanet.contrib.setting.core_settings import performance_mode
from pyplanet.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from pyplanet.core.signals import pyplanet_performance_mode_begin, pyplanet_performance_mode_end
from import StorageException
from import parse_path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PlayerManager(CoreContrib): """ Player Manager. You can access this class in your app with: .. code-block:: python self.instance.player_manager With the manager you can get several useful information about the players on the server. See all the properties and methods below for more information. .. warning:: Don't initiate this class yourself. """ def __init__(self, instance): """ Initiate, should only be done from the core instance. :param instance: Instance. :type instance: pyplanet.core.instance.Instance """ self._instance = instance self._performance_mode = False # self.lock = asyncio.Lock() # Online contains all currently online players. self._online = set() self._online_logins = set() # Counters. self._counter_lock = asyncio.Lock() self._total_count = 0 self._players_count = 0 self._spectators_count = 0 @property def performance_mode(self): return self._performance_mode @performance_mode.setter def performance_mode(self, new_value): if self._performance_mode != new_value: if new_value: asyncio.ensure_future( pyplanet_performance_mode_begin.send_robust(source=dict( old_value=self._performance_mode, new_value=new_value )) ) else: asyncio.ensure_future( pyplanet_performance_mode_end.send_robust(source=dict( old_value=self._performance_mode, new_value=new_value )) ) self._performance_mode = new_value
[docs] async def on_start(self): """ Handle startup, just before the apps will start. We will throw connects for the players so we know that the current playing players are also initiated correctly! """ player_list = await self._instance.gbx('GetPlayerList', -1, 0) await asyncio.gather(*[self.handle_connect(player['Login']) for player in player_list]) # Load and activate blacklist. try: await self.load_blacklist() except: pass # Ignore any exception thrown self._instance.signals.listen('maniaplanet:loading_map_end', self.map_loaded)
[docs] async def map_loaded(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Reindex the current number of players and spectators. :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ # Update player and spectator counters. player_list = await self._instance.gbx('GetPlayerList', -1, 0) total = 0 specs = 0 players = 0 for player in player_list: if and == player['Login']: continue try: info = await self._instance.gbx('GetDetailedPlayerInfo', player['Login']) except: # Player has left during this time. continue total += 1 if info['IsSpectator']: specs += 1 else: players += 1 async with self._counter_lock: self._total_count = total self._spectators_count = specs self._players_count = players
[docs] async def handle_connect(self, login): """ Handle a connection of a player, this call is being called inside of the Glue of the callbacks. :param login: Login, received from dedicated. :return: Database Player instance. :rtype: pyplanet.apps.core.maniaplanet.models.Player """ # Ignore if it's the server itself. if and == login: return try: info = await self._instance.gbx('GetDetailedPlayerInfo', login) except: # Most likely too late, did disconnect directly after connecting.. # See #126 return ip, _, port = info['IPAddress'].rpartition(':') is_owner = login in settings.OWNERS[self._instance.process_name] try: player = await Player.get_by_login(login) player.last_ip = ip player.last_seen = player.nickname = info['NickName'] if is_owner: player.level = Player.LEVEL_MASTER await except DoesNotExist: # Get details of player from dedicated. player = await Player.create( login=login, nickname=info['NickName'], last_ip=ip,, level=Player.LEVEL_MASTER if is_owner else Player.LEVEL_PLAYER, ) # Set the join time. player.flow.joined_at = # Update counter and state. async with self._counter_lock: player.flow.player_id = info['PlayerId'] player.flow.team_id = info['TeamId'] player.flow.is_spectator = bool(info['IsSpectator']) player.flow.is_player = not bool(info['IsSpectator']) = parse_path(info['Path']) self._total_count += 1 if player.flow.is_spectator: self._spectators_count += 1 else: self._players_count += 1 self._online.add(player) self._online_logins.add(login) self.performance_mode = len(self._online) >= await performance_mode.get_value() return player
async def handle_info_change(self, player, is_spectator, is_temp_spectator, is_pure_spectator, target, team_id, **kwargs): if not player: return if player not in self._online: return async with self._counter_lock: if player.flow.is_spectator is True and not is_spectator: self._spectators_count -= 1 self._players_count += 1 await self._instance.signals.get_signal('maniaplanet:player_enter_player_slot').send_robust(dict( player=player, ), raw=True) elif player.flow.is_player is True and is_spectator: self._spectators_count += 1 self._players_count -= 1 await self._instance.signals.get_signal('maniaplanet:player_enter_spectator_slot').send_robust(dict( player=player, ), raw=True) # This is in case of desync happens. Not nice to fix, but currently one of the only options. if self._players_count < 0: self._players_count = 0 if self._spectators_count < 0: self._spectators_count = 0 if self._total_count < 0: self._total_count = 0 # Update flow state. payload = kwargs.copy() payload.update(dict( is_spectator=is_spectator, is_temp_spectator=is_temp_spectator, is_pure_spectator=is_pure_spectator, target=target, team_id=team_id )) player.flow.update_state(**payload)
[docs] async def handle_disconnect(self, login): """ Handle a disconnection of a player, this call is being called inside of the Glue of the callbacks. :param login: Login, received from dedicated. :return: Database Player instance. :rtype: pyplanet.apps.core.maniaplanet.models.Player """ try: player = await Player.get_by_login(login=login) except: return # Update counters. async with self._counter_lock: self._total_count -= 1 if player.flow.is_player: self._players_count -= 1 else: self._spectators_count -= 1 if player in self._online: self._online.remove(player) if login in self._online_logins: self._online_logins.remove(login) # Calculate the number of seconds on the server and update the total time on server. if player.flow.joined_at: time_on_server = - player.flow.joined_at player.total_playtime += int(time_on_server.total_seconds()) try: del Player.CACHE[login] except: pass player.last_seen = await # Clear player/spec state. player.flow.reset_state() # Update performance mode status. self.performance_mode = self._total_count >= await performance_mode.get_value() return player
[docs] async def get_player(self, login=None, pk=None, lock=True): """ Get player by login or primary key. :param login: Login. :param pk: Primary Key identifier. :param lock: Lock for a sec when receiving. :return: Player or exception if not found :rtype: pyplanet.apps.core.maniaplanet.models.Player """ try: if login: return await Player.get_by_login(login) elif pk: return await Player.get(pk=pk) else: raise PlayerNotFound('Player not found.') except DoesNotExist: if lock: await asyncio.sleep(4) return await self.get_player(login=login, pk=pk, lock=False) else: raise PlayerNotFound('Player not found.')
[docs] async def get_player_by_id(self, identifier): """ Get player object by ID. :param identifier: Identifier. :return: Player object or None """ for player in self._online: if player.flow.player_id == identifier: return player return None
[docs] async def save_blacklist(self, filename=None): """ Save the current blacklisted players to file given or fetch from config. :param filename: Give the filename of the blacklist, Leave empty to use the current loaded and configured one. :type filename: str :raise: pyplanet.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured :raise: """ setting = settings.BLACKLIST_FILE if isinstance(setting, dict) and self._instance.process_name in setting: setting = setting[self._instance.process_name] if not isinstance(setting, str): setting = None if not filename and not setting: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'The setting \'BLACKLIST_FILE\' is not configured for this server! We can\'t save the Blacklist!' ) if not filename: filename = setting.format( try: await self._instance.gbx('SaveBlackList', filename) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise StorageException('Can\'t save blacklist file to \'{}\'!'.format(filename)) from e
[docs] async def load_blacklist(self, filename=None): """ Load blacklist file. :param filename: File to load or will get from settings. :raise: pyplanet.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured :raise: :return: Boolean if loaded. """ setting = settings.BLACKLIST_FILE if isinstance(setting, dict) and self._instance.process_name in setting: setting = setting[self._instance.process_name] if not isinstance(setting, str): setting = None if not filename and not setting: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'The setting \'BLACKLIST_FILE\' is not configured for this server! We can\'t load the Blacklist!' ) if not filename: filename = setting.format( try: self._instance.gbx('LoadBlackList', filename) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise StorageException('Can\'t load blacklist according the dedicated server, tried loading from \'{}\'!'.format( filename )) from e
@property def online(self): """ Online player list. """ return self._online.copy() @property def online_logins(self): """ Online player logins list. """ return self._online_logins.copy() @property def count_all(self): """ Get all player counts (players + spectators). """ return self._total_count @property def count_players(self): """ Get number of playing players. """ return self._players_count @property def count_spectators(self): """ Get number of spectating players. """ return self._spectators_count @property def max_players(self): """ Get maximum number of players. """ return @property def max_spectators(self): """ Get maximum number of spectators. """ return